We need a Make/ChatGPT plug-in to use within ChatGPT’s interface itself. (NOT WITHIN MAKE’S INTERFACE, BUT WITHIN CHATGPT.) Zapier has already built this, so Make is lagging behind Zapier here.
Scott Rose
Make has already implemented basic ChatGPT support within Make itself, but Make has dropped the ball on creating a ChatGPT plug-in that works WITHIN CHATGPT’S INTERFACE ITSELF.
Zapier has already created a full ChatGPT plug-in that works with all 5,000 of their supported apps. And it is FREE for all Zapier users.
You can read all about Zapier’s amazing breakthrough here:
Zapier’s breakthrough innovation here means that Make.com will become irrelevant to users looking to leverage ChatGPT, so customers will no longer consider using Make.com for their automation & integration needs in the future.
Zapier has leapfrogged ahead of Make here, to the point where it threatens to make Make irrelevant.
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James Rose
Agree this one is a biggie
Arthur Henrique
Nice suggestion!
Bryan Bennett
I was just reading this on Zapier's blog yesterday. MASSIVELY powerful. I hope Make hurries up and catches up.