OpenAI ChatGPT Assistants API
Integrate the newly announced Assistants API:
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Anish Jajodia
Did this get released?
Marcos Recolons
If you want
OpenAI Assistants - Function Calling Tool
(Ensure that the module for sending a message to the assistant is compatible with OpenAI's Function Calling feature.)
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Also, I would like to have the option with the upload file module to choose to which assistant the file should be attached with.
Michal Zlatos
Please update this module to allow us choose assistant that are inside a workspace and personnal account. With the actual module I can only choose the assistants created by the API interface and I want to have the option to choose form user interface assistants also.
Michal Zlatos
Alek Zen
It is very important and useful to have assistant functions in make
Michal Zlatos
Hello everyone, with the release of the module Message an Assistant we consider this feature request completed. We consider adding additional module(s) to futher support some of the Assistant use cases in the near future. Feel free to share additional feedback.
Sebastian Schaeffer
Michal Zlatos: Currently getting the error: "Run has been ended with an invalid status "requires_action" that Make is currently not supporting."
Do you have a timeline as to when functions/actions will be supported by the module?
Michal Zlatos
Sebastian Schaeffer: Hi Sebastian, thank you for your feedback. This one is a bit tricky and we are yet to find a way how we can enable you - our users - with functions within Assistant API. We wanted to release as soon as possible that's why we made a decision to release without supporting functions. We plan to address this but ATM I don't have any estimate.
Michal Zlatos: Hi Michal, thank you for the work and your support. Does support OpenAPI and is there a chance that is giving a url, so that it would be easy to connect actions to a GPT? Zapier is supporting this action but I'd rather like to use
Thank you very much in advance.
Cheers and keep up the good work :-)
Marcos Recolons
Michal Zlatos: Im very interested in this specific functionality. There is any way to get updated on this issue?
LEROY Nicolas
Excellent! Thank you very much for this gpt agent integration !
I've turned it into a blog post to show the different use cases and the community loves it :
רפאל רבינוביץ
until -make opens the application,
You can play in the meantime and learn from the models I build for myself for study purposes.
Attached is a link to install in make.
Ryan Aarstad
רפאל רבינוביץ: Hello, thank you for this, but new to this. This is a CUSTOM APP that you personally made, and then made shareable? Thx
רפאל רבינוביץ
Ryan Aarstad: yes
Ryan Aarstad
רפאל רבינוביץ: Can you maybe point me in the right direction so I can learn how to set this up properly, I'm messing around but I can't get it to work. Lets just say I want to ask the Assistant "Write me a Google Business Post" then have it export that text.
Tylan Miller
רפאל רבינוביץ This is beyond amazing, I can't believe I skipped past this. Do you have any content around this?
Tylan Miller
Ryan Aarstad wondering if you have been playing around with this?
Ryan Aarstad
Tylan Miller Yes I've been working on it the past 2 days, I'm building a Social Media Post Generator, that takes topics and prompts and URLs from a spreadsheet, and writes the posts and Midjourney Prompts then I have a whole Social Media Posting dashboard in sheets (This is to post to Google Business Profile Specifically) that I use to organize all of the data, and a dropdown that triggers the scheduling of the post. Still working on it.
But as far as the OpenAI Assistants goes, its working, however I reached out to Make and maybe will need to reach out to Open AI, but right now the Assistant is not utilizing the Business Information text Document uploaded to the assistant, but I'm sure I will get that fixed soon hopefully.
I'm using multiple Make, OpenAI Assistants, Google Sheets, Google Apps Script, Make Google Sheets Extention for Webhooks, Custom Webhook.
Been learning a lot.
And I'm not a programmer at all, just using ChatGPT to help do all of the scripting, its been time consuming but if I can do it really anyone can.
Otaku Solutions
Ryan AarstadNice I love to see it. I am wondering if the new API endpionts will be added. Not sure if everyone saw the update in playground.
Michal Zlatos
Hello everyone, I am happy to announce that we just released a new module called "Message an Assistant" - give it a try and let us know what you think.
William Thomas
Michal Zlatos: Yeah! Excellent!
Michael Hanna
Michal Zlatos: Excellent news! Previously, I was using the "Make an API Call" function of the OpenAI to call my Assistant, generate a Run, wait and get the message response, etc... Just tried this new "Message an Assistant" function and it worked perfectly. Now I'm summarizing all of the Make Blog Posts and Use Cases, so I can educate my Assistant. 🚀
Michal Zlatos: Buenas, no veo donde está, cual es la función de make?
For all of you in doubt or wanting to use the Assistants API, I created this Telegram Bot that creates Assistants, Threads, follows on conversations and tries to ask for contact details to the user, also being able to save these into a CRM (Airtable in my case). Happy to help :)
Guille: Hi, you've done a great job, looks impressive! is there any way i can contact you about your script? i'm interested in literally one thing
my telegram nickname is
Please text me
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