Fakturoid API v3 support
Ivan Moucha
Announcement of current API v2 deprecation (Czech): https://www.fakturoid.cz/blog/2024/03/26/api-v3
API v3 specification (English): https://www.fakturoid.cz/api/v3
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Tereza Klobouckova
Fakturoid app has been upgraded to version 3.
Karel Vlček
Tereza Klobouckova where can one find this new version? I only see the one, using /v2, but i might be missing something.
Miroslav Holec
Tereza Klobouckova The new version is not visible. Only the v2 module is still there. The new version of the Facturoid API requires OAuth and there is still only the old API key login in the Make interface.
Marek Tresnak
Tereza Klobouckova really?
Miroslav Holec
This may be a major issue as API v2 support will be discontinued at the end of March and many integrators are using this application. If you are not planning to do an update to v3, it would be advisable to announce this early.