David Gurr
James Vanoy
Please visit https://anydo.uservoice.com/forums/946474-any-do-workspace/suggestions/46319884-integration-make-com to upvote the task
James Vanoy
Any.do has moved this task to "On their road map!"
James Vanoy
wish this would happen
Tereza Klobouckova
not planned
Any.Do is not interested in integration with us.
Konstantin Petrov
Tereza Klobouckova: ;(
AJL WebCraft
Tereza Klobouckova: Still not interested?
Tereza Klobouckova
Caio Oliveira
Zapier has this integration. Are you planning?
Kaushik Joshi
Been using it for 6 years. Would appreciate if we could integrate it in our integromat.
Tamer Lotfy: Hello Tamer,
Thank you very much for adding your request for the Any.do
app. In order to implement the app, we would need documentation of the Any.do API (Application programming interface). Could you provide a link to the API documentation? If not, would it be possible to ask the Any.do support to provide it?
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Michal Máša
Jim Dickinson: Any link to Any.Do API documentation?
Jim Dickinson
Michal Máša: Sorry, it appears that they don't have an official API which makes things difficult!
Michal Máša
Jim Dickinson: Oh, sorry to hear that, but thanks for the info.
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